I went ahead and autoresolved and what do you know? i win with little casualties. sometimes some were standing right in the open in front of the gates, waiting on the ram, without raising their shields nor hiding behind covers or hills? i tried to order them away but they would disobey or when id tell them to follow their sergeants (since i cant order them what ladder to go to, what to destroy, who to attack or any specifics like that) theyd go back to being stupid. Had siege advantage on attack, we didnt even kill 50 of their men cause the soldiers kept running back and forth around the battlefield (without cover) not sure what ladder to use or what entrance, scrambled around like ants and were picked off one by one by the archers (which had an amazing position, sturgian cities are freaking hard to besiege man) and then they all ran away from the battlefield like pussies.

In the end I auto-resolved that siege, but what the fuck? I was the commander in that siege, as I initiated it, but I had basically no control in that assault. I tried save scumming because my infantry just refused to climb the walls in the one place that they wouldn't get slaughtered in, but even when I tell the entire flank to follow me, they still join the left flank to fight the blob of enemies that is surprisingly good at holding them back. My plan was to climb the walls with my right flank and go help the left flank with them, but the right flank puts the ladders up, a few men get up and just fuck off in a completely opposite direction while the rest decide that it's best to help the left flank by trying to climb the ladders with them, instead of flanking the defenders. That's all well and good, but what happens in reality is that the defenders all try to repel the group on the left while leaving their right completely exposed, and I as the commander of the siege have no way to exploit that.

Right now I am assaulting a small castle with an army of 170 and my infantry automatically splits up into 2 groups so that they can assault the walls from both sides.